A downloadable game

Become a mysterious parasite and take over the sea creatures!

One day a mysterious parasite appears out of nowhere and jumps onto a crab that was nearby. The parasite bites the crab and starts controlling the crab. The parasite has a unique power that enhances the host’s ability, making them a terrifying threat to creatures in the sea.


  • Endless gameplay
  • Shooter elements
  • Diverse power-up items
  • Unique enemies
  • Underwater stage


Move left - A

Move right - D

Move up - W

Move down - S

Shoot - Left Mouse Button or Space

Unique Attack - F

Pause game - ESC

Restart game - R

Retry again (if game over) - Enter

Full Screen  - F1


Released 21/06/2024

Available Platform: Windows

Price: Free to play


ParaSeaz.zip 6.1 MB

Install instructions

Download, unzip, and run the exe file.

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